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soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Miscellaneous and References (11/12)
Section - Question 20.10: What other Jewish software is available?

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Miscellaneous and References (11/12)
Previous Document: Question 20.9: What software is available for Hebrew applications?
Next Document: Question 20.11: Are there any Jewish Libraries on the Internet?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
   Again, this ia an area that has seen quick a bit of growth. There is
   now quite a bit of software available. One starting point for a search
   in this area is the [5]Shamash Web Page on computers
   (<[6]>), which provides a lot of
   information on different sources of software, and includes a
   searchable software archive. Another source are the Jewish Search
   Engines listed in [7]Section 20.4. You can also do a search for
   "Jewish Software" on a meta-search engine such as
   [8] Some other sources are the Jewish Mall
   Here are some additional references:
     * Davka ([10] A manufacturer of a wide
       variety of Jewish software.
     * Dor L'Dor Interactive Judaic Software
       ([11] Provides software for
       hands-on experiential learning of the Hebrew alphabet and prayers.
     * Lev Software ([12] A wide variety of
       Hebrew Software
     * The Jewish Software Center ([13]
       A distributing company distributing Jewish software from 13
     * Torah Educational Software ([14]
       Israel's largest developer and distributor of Judaic educational
       software. Developer and Distributor for ArtScroll Stone Chumash...
       Bar Ilan University... Judaic Encyclopedia... Yad Vashem etc.
     * The Kabbalah Software Catalog. ([15]
       Kabbalah Software is a producer of high-quality, low-priced Judaic
       software, including Clip-Art, Print Shop products, Fonts,
       reference material, calendar programs, utilities, word processors,
       hebrew utilities, torah study materials, and educational software.
     * Right to Left Software. ([16]
       Manufacturers of Hebrew Software.
     * Torah Productions ([17] has two
       products to help students learn Torah and Talmud:
          + [18]Sedra Bytes
            >). This is a bible study program that includes each of the
            54 traditional weekly study sections for the Five Books of
            Moses and 51 areas for broad conceptual browsing. The text of
            this Bible study program is 100% interactive. It can be
            modified and edited to suit the user's individual needs and
            religious perspective. With the appropriate software it can
            be used for desktop publishing and multimedia applications
            limited only by the user's skill and imagination. The books
            are beautifully illustrated with unique and original woodcuts
            that capture the essence and spirit of each book.
          + [19]The Torah La-Am Library
            >) This contains the complete set of 105 Sedra Byte books. It
            includes 54 traditional weekly study sections for the Five
            Books of Moses and 51 areas for broad conceptual browsing.
            The library includes an index of 500 subjects and topics and
            a powerful search engine. The library is non-denominational
            and therefore useful to a broad spectrum of people of many
            faiths and religious convictions.
     * Shamash [20]graphic images
     * Shamash: A wide variety of [22]Hebrew Fonts for a wide variety of
       platforms ([23]
   Another source is the software store at

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Miscellaneous and References (11/12)
Previous Document: Question 20.9: What software is available for Hebrew applications?
Next Document: Question 20.11: Are there any Jewish Libraries on the Internet?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM