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soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Miscellaneous and References (11/12)

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Miscellaneous and References (11/12)
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Next Document: Question 19.1: I want to become more observant. Where do I start?
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   This portion of the FAQ contains answers to the following questions:

   Section 19. Miscellaneous
    1. [8]I want to become more observant. Where do I start? 
    2. [9]Why is "shabbat" spelled sometimes shabbath, shabbath, shabbos,
    3. [10]What are some common Hebrew and Yiddish phrases I see on
    4. [11]What do all those abbreviations like Z"L mean? 
    5. [12]Is "shvartze" offensive? Is "goyim" offensive? 
    6. [13]What does "shiksa" and "shaygetz" mean? 
    7. [14]I am going to be in (name your city), where can I eat, stay
       for Shabbat?
    8. [15]What do bagels, lox, pastrami, falafel, garlic pickles,
       kishka, and kasha have to do with being a Jew? 
    9. [16]What does Warren Burstein's signature mean? 
   10. [17]Who was the sixth Marx brother? 
   11. [18]Why do Hebrew clocks run clockwise, not counter-clockwise? 
   12. [19]I'm not Jewish. How do I show my love for the Jewish people? 
   13. [20]What is the origin of the word "kike"? 
   14. [21]What is the meaning of the part of the book of Ruth where the
       guy at the gate takes off his shoe?
   15. [22]I'm a health care provider? What do I need to know for Jewish
   16. [23]What would be a good housewarming gift for a Jewish friend?
   17. [24]What is the meaning and origin of the phrase B'shaah Tova?
   Section 20. References and Getting Connected
    1. [8]I'd like to learn more? Do you have any books to recommend? 
    2. [9]What are the different hechsher symbols? 
    3. [10]Where can I find Jewish-oriented mailing lists? 
    4. [11]What are the good Jewish search engines?
    5. [12]What are some good Jewish links on the WWW?
    6. [13]Is S.C.J available via a Listserv or other e-mail means? 
    7. [14]What divrei Torah are posted to Usenet? 
    8. [15]Where can I find collected divrei Torah? 
    9. [16]What software is available for Hebrew applications? 
   10. [17]What other Jewish software is available? 
   11. [18]Are there any Jewish Libraries on the Internet? 
   12. [19]I'm interested in ordering books or music on the internet.
       Where should I look?
   13. [20]Boy, you did a wonderful job on the FAQ? How do I show my

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Miscellaneous and References (11/12)
Previous Document: News Headers
Next Document: Question 19.1: I want to become more observant. Where do I start?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM