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soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Reform Judaism (10/12)
Section - Question 18.7.3: For Further Information: Are there any Reform Rabbis on the network who will answer questions?

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Reform Judaism (10/12)
Previous Document: Question 18.7.2: For Further Information: How do I find a Reform congregation?
Next Document: Question 18.7.4: For Further Information: How do I start the conversion process?
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   Yes. First, the Union of American Hebrew Congregations operates a
   service called "Ask the Rabbi". It invites visitors to the [5]UAHC
   website to pose questions about Judaism and Jewish life to be answered
   by a rabbi, or cantor or Jewish educator. It was initiated by the
   UAHC-CCAR Joint Commission on Synagogue Affiliation, and its
   realization was coordinated by Jonah Pesner, and is administered by
   Larry Raphael of the UAHC Department of Adult Jewish Growth.
   Additionally, here is a list of Rabbis willing to answer questions:
   Rabbi Herbert Brockman <[6]>
          Congregation Mishkan Israel, Hamden CT, USA
   Rabbi Michael Feshbach <[7]RABBIF@Aol.Com>
          Temple Shalom, Chevy Chase, MD, USA
   Rabbi Mark Glickman <[8]>
          Temple Israel, Dayton, Ohio, USA
   Rabbi Mark Aaron Kline <[9]>
          Beth Israel Congregation, Florence, South Carolina, USA
   Rabbi Howard Jaffe <[10]HLJaffe@Aol.Com>
          Mtn. Jewish Comm. Ctr., Warren, New Jersey, USA
   Rabbi Arthur Nemitoff <[11]>
          Temple Israel of Columbus, Columbus, Ohio, USA
   Rabbi Kerry Olitzky <[12]>
          [13]Hebrew Union College
   Rabbi Harry Rosenfeld <[14]JSHLR@Acad1.Alaska.Edu>
          Cong. Beth Shalom, Anchorage, Alaska, USA
   Rabbi John Sherwood <[15]>
          Rabbi Emeritus, Temple Emet, Woodland Hills, California, USA
   Rabbi Don Weber <[16]75065.263@Compuserve.Com>
          Temple Rodeph Torah, West Monmouth, New Jersey, USA
   Rabbi Stephen Weisman <[17]>
          Fredricksburg, Virginia, USA
   Rabb Jim Egolf <[18]>
          Congregation Beth Shalom of the Woodlands, Texas, USA
   Reform rabbis who want to be added to this list should contact the FAQ
   maintainer at [19]

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Reform Judaism (10/12)
Previous Document: Question 18.7.2: For Further Information: How do I find a Reform congregation?
Next Document: Question 18.7.4: For Further Information: How do I start the conversion process?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM