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soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Holocaust, Antisemitism, Missionaries (9/12)
Section - Question 17.8: Are the key Christian beliefs derived from Judaism?

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   Let's look at some of these beliefs:
    1. The coming of G-d as man. This belief is clearly pagan in origin.
       It's Osiris, or Zeus who are gods who appear as a man. There is no
       basis for this in Judaism.
    2. Children carrying the sins of their fathers. In truth, Children
       de-facto carry the sins of their fathers. Aside from this being a
       verse, it's a psychological fact. Someone raised by parents who
       habitually sinned in some way has that "baggage" with them even
       though the act isn't the child's. Someone raised by pickpockets
       isn't going to see the evil in it that you or I would.
    3. G-d as the father of the Jews. In the Torah, in Exodus, the Jews
       are called "My firstborn". Note that this does not imply that Jews
       alone are the children of G-d. A firstborn child is given the most
       responsibility and for that has the greatest potential for
       privilege if they are met. Much as the Jews have more commandments
       to fulfil, but have a special covenant with G-d if they do. (And
       are punished worse if they don't.)
    4. The concept of the sprit or the angel of the Lord. G-d has a Will,
       in the sense that G-d is not understood as a blind force or law.
       In that sense of "spirit", this is a Jewish belief. If that's what
       you mean by "spirit", I'd agree.
       As for Angels. Angels exist in Judaism. They all serve G-d. With
       no free will. An angel must complete its mission in the same way
       as a rock dropped above the ground will fall. In fact, natural
       forces like gravity are themselves mediated between the Will of
       G-d and the physical action by an angel. As the Talmud says it,
       "not a blade of grass lives without an angel standing over it
       saying 'grow! grow!'.
    5. The concept of a trinity. Not Jewish at all. Judaism has an
       indivisible G-d, which is incompatible with the trinity. Judaism
       teaches that every person has three parents: a mother, a father,
       and G-d, but none of us are deified. It's not "natural" that the
       child of G-d be a god. What early Christians did was take the
       Canaanite and Phoeician trinity of Ba'al, Asheirah and Moloch
       (Ba'al, Ishtar and Marduk), which later became the basis of the
       Greek and therefore the Roman pantheon and grafted that into
       Judaism to appeal to the polytheistic non-Jews of the Middle East.
       They also changed a religion that was about law, self improvement,
       decisions, and man's struggle to redeem himself, and made it about
       G-d, turning to G-d for salvation from man's inherent fallibility
       (the original sin).

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Holocaust, Antisemitism, Missionaries (9/12)
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