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soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Jews and Israel (8/12)
Section - Question 14.12: Why is opposition to Israel often seen as being antisemitic?

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Jews and Israel (8/12)
Previous Document: Question 14.11: Can't you criticize Israel without being antisemitic?
Next Document: Question 14.13: Why is Jerusalem so important to Jews?
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   The vast majority of the Jews in Israel wound up there as refugees
   with no other options.
   Many Jews went there to flee the Holocaust, at a time when countries
   like America and Great Britain had shut their doors to Jews.
   And many of the Holocaust survivors wound up as displaced persons
   after World War II. While America was supporting the former Nazis with
   the Marshall plan, the survivors were largely ignored. Many of them
   found a welcome in Israel.
   And then, after Israel was founded, most of the Arab nations pushed
   out their Jewish populations. They had no place to go but Israel. The
   best example of this, of course, is what happened to the Jews in the
   "West Bank." The Arab armies pushed out all of the Jews in the
   territories they conquered in the 1947-48 war. In particular, they
   destroyed Jewish communities that had been inhabited continuously for
   thousands of years. East Jerusalem, where many now wish to deny Jewish
   settlement rights, had a Jewish majority before 1947.
   And recently, many Jews have gone to Israel to escape persecution in
   Russia and Ethiopia. Again, there were no other options.
   So opposition to Israel, or an insensitivity to its security needs,
   does carry with it an indifference to the fate of these Jews who have
   had no other refuge from death or serious persecution. Such
   indifference is, indeed, a form of antisemitism: if the Arabs succeed
   in driving the Jews into the sea, they will be merely continuing what
   Hitler started.

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Jews and Israel (8/12)
Previous Document: Question 14.11: Can't you criticize Israel without being antisemitic?
Next Document: Question 14.13: Why is Jerusalem so important to Jews?

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