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soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Worship, Conversion, Intermarriage (5/12)
Section - Question 9.6: Does Judaism have a strong tradition of religious art and music?

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Worship, Conversion, Intermarriage (5/12)
Previous Document: Question 9.5: Is there a distinctly Jewish form of meditation?
Next Document: Question 9.7: What is a synagogue?
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   Emphatically, yes! Cantorial music goes back a long way, and there
   have been Jewish artists since Abraham's time. You should investigate
   many of the exhibits at the local Jewish Community Centers,
   synagogues, and rabbinical schools (such as the Skirball Museum at
   [5]Hebrew Union College in Los Angeles). Often, Jewish art focuses on
   ceremonial objects, such as spice boxes, menorot, mezzuzot, wimples,
   kippahs, breastplates for the Torah, Torah covers, etc, as opposed to
   portraits or statues.
   Judaism does have a strong tradition of religious music, it's just
   that there haven't been that many Jewish composers with great popular
   success outside of the small Jewish circles (as opposed to classical
   composers of the 17th-19th centuries who wrote liturgical music that
   was a great success in its own right, without the liturgy underneath
   There is also an emerging tradition of modern Jewish music, including
   such artists as Debbie Friedman, Rabbi Joe Black, and others. Some of
   this music is more appropriate to the liberal streams. Those
   interested in modern Jewish music should investigate some of the
   online Jewish music stores, such as [6]Sounds Write
   ([7] or [8]
   Some other links of interest include:
     * American Conference of Cantors - Reform (Progressive) Judaism:
     * The Cantors Assembly - Conservative (Masorti) Judaism:
     * Cantorial Council of America - Orthodox Judaism:
     * Chazzanut Online: [13] A
       comprehensive site on Jewish liturgical music, with a large
       collection of cantorial sheet music, midi files, annotated links
       and background information.

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Worship, Conversion, Intermarriage (5/12)
Previous Document: Question 9.5: Is there a distinctly Jewish form of meditation?
Next Document: Question 9.7: What is a synagogue?

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