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soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Introduction to the FAQ and s.c.j Newsgroups (1/12)
Section - Question 1.7: How do I submit postings to a newsgroup?

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Introduction to the FAQ and s.c.j Newsgroups (1/12)
Previous Document: Question 1.6: I notice that some of these newsgroups are moderated. Isn't moderation censorship?
Next Document: Question 1.8: Some of these newsgroups have quite a bit of traffic? How do you cope with it?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
   For all newsgroups, both moderated and unmoderated, your news reader
   software should provide an interface to "post" an article to a group.
   This is the primary way of submitting postings. If the newsgroup is
   unmoderated, the article is submitted immediately; note that it will
   take up to a week to propagate through the network. If the newsgroup
   is moderated, the article will be Emailed to the moderation address on
   record for the group. Once the moderator approves the article (usually
   within 24 hours you will have an answer), the article is injected at
   the moderation site. Again, it can take a week to propagate through
   the entire network.
   If you do not have a newsreader, you can visit
   [5] to access a web-based newsreader.
   For moderated groups, there is an additional submittal mechanism:
   mailing the article directly to the moderation submittal address.
   These addresses are as follows:
     * [6]soc.culture.jewish.moderated. Posts can be sent to
     * [8]soc.culture.jewish.holocaust. Posts can be sent to
     * [10]soc.culture.jewish.parenting. Posts can be sent to
     * [12] Posts can be sent to
     * [14]rec.humor.jewish. Posts can be sent to
     * [16]soc.geneology.jewish. Posts can be sent to
     * [18]alt.religion.judaism.orthodox. Posts can be sent to

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