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soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Introduction to the FAQ and s.c.j Newsgroups (1/12)
Section - Question 1.5: Are there other newsgroups about which Jews should be aware?

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Introduction to the FAQ and s.c.j Newsgroups (1/12)
Previous Document: Question 1.4: What are the charters of the various Jewish newsgroups?
Next Document: Question 1.6: I notice that some of these newsgroups are moderated. Isn't moderation censorship?
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   The following newsgroups are not considered "Jewish" newsgroups.
   However, they are more appropriate forums or venues for discussions
   that often take place on SCJ and its family of newsgroups.
     * Unmoderated Newsgroups.
          + [5]alt.revisionism. This unmoderated newsgroup is for
            discussions related to holocaust deniers and their theories.
            If you want to claim it never happened, do it in
            alt.revisionism. If you want to battle those who claim it
            never happened, do it in alt.revisionism.
          + [6]alt.messianic. This unmoderated newsgroup is for
            discussions related to what is called "Messianic Judaism", or
            similar groups such as Jews for Jesus.
          + [7] and its family of newsgroups. These are the
            appropriate places for parenting discussions unrelated to
            [8]soc.culture.israel. This unmoderated newsgroup is for
            discussions related to the culture of the state of Israel.
          + [9]soc.history. This unmoderated newsgroup also has a fair
            bit of revisionist discussions.
          + [10]talk.politics.mideast. This unmoderated newsgroup is for
            the discussion of Israeli politics, and the politics of other
            countries in the Middle East.
     * Moderated Newsgroups.
          + [11] This moderated newsgroup is a
            low-traffic parallel to, and is also for parenting
            discussions unrelated to Judaism.

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