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soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Introduction to the FAQ and s.c.j Newsgroups (1/12)
Section - Question 1.11: When should I post to talk.politics.mideast? Soc.culture.Arabic?

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Introduction to the FAQ and s.c.j Newsgroups (1/12)
Previous Document: Question 1.10: What topics are not appropriate for S.C.J?
Next Document: Question 1.12: Is it appropriate to discuss Israel in soc.culture.jewish?
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   [5]Talk.politics.mideast was created specifically for discussions of
   the politics of the interaction of middle eastern countries. The
   Arab-Israeli conflict, the Turkish-Armenian conflict, and similar
   battles are appropriate topics for the list, at least until separate
   groups are created for those subtopics. A post about the PLO or
   terrorism probably belongs in T.P.M.
   Internal Arab politics generally belong on [6]soc.culture.arabic.
   Internal Israeli politics should be discussed in

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