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JPEG image compression FAQ, part 2/2
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Most programs listed in this section are available from "AmiNet" archive
sites.  The master AmiNet site is, but there are many
mirror sites and you should try to use the closest one.

Osma Ahvenlampi posted a good review of Amiga picture viewers in in March 1994.  You can retrieve it from
Opinions here are mostly stolen from his article.

CyberShow is a well-regarded viewer and converter for many image
formats including JPEG.  It can do truecolor/highcolor display with
CyberGraphics software and a suitable graphics board.  Shareware, $25.
Version 7.5 is available as a demo (displays grayscale only) from AmiNet
sites, /pub/aminet/gfx/board/cybershow75.lha.  Requires OS3.0 or better.

FastView is a fast, high-quality JPEG/GIF/ILBM viewer.  Works well on both
ECS and AGA displays.  Shareware, $15; requires OS 2.0.  Version 2.0 is
available from Aminet sites, file /pub/aminet/gfx/show/FView20.lha.

FastJPEG is a free JPEG viewer; it's fast and has good image quality, but it
doesn't view any formats except JPEG.  Somewhat faster than FastView on ECS
machines, slower on AGA.  Version 1.10 is available from Aminet sites, file

HamLab Plus is an excellent JPEG viewer/converter, as well as being a
general image manipulation tool.  It's cheap (shareware, $20) and can read
several formats besides JPEG.  The current version is 2.0.8.  A demo version
is available from AmiNet sites, file /pub/aminet/gfx/edit/hamlab208d.lha.
The demo version will crop images larger than 512x512, but it is otherwise
fully functional.

PPShow is a good free JPEG/GIF/ILBM/ANIM/Datatype viewer.  Version 4.0 is
available from Aminet sites, file /pub/aminet/gfx/show/PPShow40.lha.  For
viewing JPEGs it is a little slower than FastJPEG, and image quality is not
as good (particularly on ECS machines).

Rend24 (shareware, $30) is an image renderer that can display JPEG, ILBM,
and GIF images.  The program can be used to create animations, even
capturing frames on-the-fly from rendering packages like Lightwave.
The current version is 1.05, available from AmiNet sites, file

Viewtek is a free JPEG/ILBM/GIF/ANIM viewer.  The current version is 2.1,
available from AmiNet sites, file /pub/aminet/gfx/show/ViewTEK21.lha.
Viewtek used to be the best free JPEG viewer for Amiga, but it now faces
stiff competition.  The choice depends on your display hardware and personal
preferences.  Viewtek has poor display quality on OCS/ECS (HAM6) screens;
but it looks very good on AGA (HAM8).

Visage is a free JPEG/ILBM/PNG/Datatypes viewer with lots of features,
including progressive JPEG support (it even does progressive rendering).
Requires OS3.0 or better.  Version 39.14 is available from Aminet sites,
file /pub/aminet/gfx/show/Visage.lha.

There is finally a good JPEG datatype for use with datatype-based viewers
(such as Multiview or ShowDT).  Available from AmiNet sites, file
/pub/aminet/util/dtype/jfif_dtc.lha.  (The version dated 12/12/94
has a bug; you should also get /pub/aminet/util/dtype/jfif_FIX.lha.)

A newer JPEG datatype is now available that supports progressive JPEG.
See AmiNet sites, file /pub/aminet/util/dtype/JFIFdt44.lha.  Shareware.

The free IJG JPEG software is available compiled for Amigas from AmiNet
sites, file /pub/aminet/gfx/conv/jpegV6bin.lha.  (Despite the name, this
is now version 6a.)  These programs convert JPEG to/from PPM, GIF, BMP,
Targa formats.

If you have a DCTV box or a compatible display, try JPEGonDCTV.  Available
from AmiNet sites, file /pub/aminet/gfx/show/JPEGonDCTV100.lha.  Viewtek is
also reported to work well with DCTV.

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