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JPEG image compression FAQ, part 2/2
Section - [16] Which programs support progressive JPEG?

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With luck, this will only be a Frequently Asked Question for a short time,
after which most JPEG-supporting programs will have been upgraded to include
p-JPEG capability.  But right now it's a hot topic.  Here's the latest
I've heard (if you have newer info, please send mail):

WWW Browsers:

Netscape 2.0b1 (Unix/X, Windows, Mac, OS/2): full implementation

Spyglass Enhanced Mosaic 2.1 (Unix/X, Windows, Mac): full implementation
(Note: lots of other people license Spyglass' code, but I don't know
which licensees are shipping the latest version.)

Netshark 1.1 (Windows, Mac): full implementation

Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0 (Windows): no incremental display
(there are rumors that MSIE 5 will finally do progressive display properly)

Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0 (Mac): full implementation

AOL 3.0 (Windows, Mac): full implementation

Java 1.0 (Windows 95/NT, Solaris, more coming): full implementation

OmniWeb 2.0 (NeXTStep): full implementation

Wollongong's Emissary 1.1 (Windows): full implementation (? not sure)

I-Comm 1.09beta (Windows): full implementation (?)

UdiWWW 1.0.010 (Windows): full implementation

NCSA Mac Mosaic 3.0a2 (Mac): full implementation

NCSA Windows Mosaic 2.1.1 (Windows): reads p-JPEG, no incremental display

NCSA X Mosaic 2.7b2 (Unix/X): reads p-JPEG, no incremental display

Arena beta-1e (Unix/X): reads p-JPEG, no incremental display

Fresco 0.72 (Acorn): reads p-JPEG; full incremental display in Release II

(A browser that doesn't do incremental display of images won't be able to
give you the progressive effect, but it's still useful to have p-JPEG
compatibility so that you can at least see the image.)

See "BrowserWatch" at for contact information
for these browsers.  Versions mentioned are the first to support p-JPEG,
not necessarily the current release.

Image Viewers & Converters:

See the appropriate prior sections for exact pointers to these programs.
Note that image viewers generally won't bother with doing incremental
display of p-JPEG files; they'll just read them in one pass for speed.

IJG command-line programs (almost any platform): see section 15 for source
code.  Precompiled executables are also available for some platforms;
see subject heading for your system.  You need v6 or later.

XV (Unix/X): recompile v3.10 with IJG v6 to read p-JPEG

ImageMagick (Unix/X): 3.6.6 or later

ACDSee16 (Windows 3.1): 2.0 or later

ACDSee32 (Windows 95/NT): 1.0 or later

LView Pro (Windows 95/NT, or Win 3.1 + Win32s): 1.C or later

Paint Shop Pro (Windows 95/NT): 4.0 or later

PolyView (Windows 95): 2.18 or later

ThumbsPlus (Windows 95/NT, or Win 3.1 + Win32s): 3.0c or later

VuePrint (Windows): 5.0 or later

DISPLAY (DOS): 1.89 or later

SEA (DOS): 1.2b or later

JPEGPROC (OS/2): 1.1.0 or later

PMView (OS/2): 0.92 or later

Adobe Photoshop (Mac, Windows): 4.0 or later

Jade (Mac): all versions

GIFConverter (Mac): 2.4 or later

GraphicConverter (Mac): 2.3.1 or later

ProJPEG (Mac Photoshop plugin): all versions

JPEG Transmogrifier (Mac Photoshop plugin): all versions

DeBabelizer (Mac): 1.6.5 or later

akJFIF datatype (Amiga): 40.1 or later

CyberShow (Amiga): 7.1 or later

Visage (Amiga): 39.12 or later

1stGuide (Atari): 10.Jan.96 or later

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM