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[alt.hypertext] Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ list)
Section - Q1.4) Where are collections of postings about specific topics?

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Top Document: [alt.hypertext] Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ list)
Previous Document: Q1.3) Is there an archive of alt.hypertext postings?
Next Document: Q2.2) What are some historical milestones about hypertext?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
  So far I only know of collections of postings about link types.  If you
know of anymore then please tell me so that it may also be included here.
Question 4.1 lists some online hypertext resources, not just postings that
appeared in alt.hypertext.

  A. Link Types (What they are and how many are enough)

       Thomas Trickel has compiled and edited a discussion of link types
     from 1993 in various hypertext systems into <URL:
     thomas/hypertext/usentlnk.htm>.  He has also written a short
     related essay about link properties at <URL:
     thomas/hypertext/linkprop.htm>.  J. Blustein also has a summary of
     the discussion at <URL:

     [These links were verified on 2006-03-21, 21 March 2006]


** Section 2: Hypertext In General **

Subject: Q2.1) What are hypertext and hypermedia?  How do they differ?

  The OED Additions Series defines hypertext as
     Text which does not form a single sequence and which may be read
     in various orders; specially text and graphics ... which are
     interconnected in such a way that a reader of the material (as
     displayed at a computer terminal, etc.) can discontinue reading
     one document at certain points in order to consult other related
     matter. [See Q6.3 for complete citation]

  Theodore `Ted' Nelson, who first coined the terms hypertext and
hypermedia, wrote in _Literary Machines_ that `As popularly conceived,
[hypertext] is a series of text chunks connected by links which offer the
reader different pathways.' Neither hypertext nor hypermedia require the
use of links.

  Hypermedia is similar to hypertext but includes media other than text,
e.g. a hypermedia document could include text and graphics, or sound and

  Mark Bernstein has pointed out that, in practice, many hypertext
documents have some graphical content (just as texts often include
illustrations).  Note that the definition quoted above makes the same
point. The distinction between hypertext and hypermedia is so blurry that
some authors call them both hypertext.

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Top Document: [alt.hypertext] Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ list)
Previous Document: Q1.3) Is there an archive of alt.hypertext postings?
Next Document: Q2.2) What are some historical milestones about hypertext?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM