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[alt.hypertext] Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ list)
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Top Document: [alt.hypertext] Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ list)
Previous Document: Document format
Next Document: Q1.2) Is it okay to post about new hypertext software, titles, etc. here?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
    A `*' at the beginning of a line in the table of contents marks a
  recently updated question. See question 6.4 for a list of recent updates.

About The alt.hypertext Newsgroup
  Q1.1) What is alt.hypertext about?
  Q1.2) Is it okay to post about new hypertext software, titles, etc. here?
        Software, Literature, Conference Announcements
  Q1.3) Is there an archive of alt.hypertext postings?
  Q1.4) Where are collections of postings about specific topics?
*       Link types

Hypertext In General
  Q2.1) What are hypertext and hypermedia?  How do they differ?
  Q2.2) What are some historical milestones about hypertext?
  Q2.3) What conferences are there about hypertext?

Hypertext Models
  Q3.1) What hypertext systems I can read about online?
        Hyper-G, Microcosm, Storyspace, Webthing, World Wide Web, Xanadu  
  Q3.2) Are there any hypertext standards?

References to other electronic resources
  Q4.1) About hypertext/hypermedia
  Q4.2) About electronic publications
  Q4.3) About human-computer interaction

I've fallen in with the wrong crowd.  Please help me out.
  Q5.1) Help! I'm new to this whole Usenet/'net thing
  Q5.2) I just want to know about WWW/HTML.  Where should I go?
  Q5.3) Gosh, this group is noisy.  Are there any mailing lists?
        Hyper-theory, ht_lit, EJournal/EJRNL

About this document
  Q6.1) Where can I get a copy? (and some legal niceties)
        Author/Owner, Versions/Availability, Distribution rights
* Q6.2) Future plans
  Q6.3) Acknowledgments
        Thanks, Citations for quotations
* Q6.4) Recent changes


** Section 1: About The alt.hypertext Newsgroup **

Subject: Q1.1) What is alt.hypertext about?

  alt.hypertext is a Usenet newsgroup intended to support discussion of,
and dissemination of information about hypertext and hypermedia.
alt.hypertext is not a suitable forum for discussion of WWW-specific

  If you would like more information about what a Usenet newsgroup is then
you should read question 5.1.  If you are looking for information about the
World Wide Web (WWW) or its associated hypertext markup languages (HTML,
XHTML, etc.) then you should read question 5.2.  The answer to question 2.1
defines hypertext and hypermedia.

User Contributions:

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

Top Document: [alt.hypertext] Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ list)
Previous Document: Document format
Next Document: Q1.2) Is it okay to post about new hypertext software, titles, etc. here?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM