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comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ
Section - How do I get a scroll bar on hpterms?

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Top Document: comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ
Previous Document: How can I set up an HP-UX workstation as an X terminal?
Next Document: How can I change the title in my hpterm titlebar?
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There are two ways to do this...

At the command-line, enter:

  $ hpterm -sb -sl 1000 &

The second way is to execute the following series of commands, prior to
running hpterm:

  $ xrdb -m
  HPterm*scrollBar: True
  HPterm*saveLines: 1000

You can set saveLines to 1000 or some other arbitrarily large number.
Alternatively, you can set saveLines to something like "4s", which
indicates four screens.  You can also set the above resources in an
app-default file (/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/HPterm).

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Top Document: comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ
Previous Document: How can I set up an HP-UX workstation as an X terminal?
Next Document: How can I change the title in my hpterm titlebar?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM