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comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ
Section - 5.8.3 How can I get an Exabyte to work on an HP?

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Top Document: comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ
Previous Document: 5.8.2 How can I format a floppy under HP-UX?
Next Document: 5.8.4 How can I get a stuck DDS tape out of the drive?
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A number of Exabyte drives are supported by HP-UX, though, in some cases,
the tape drive's firmware may need to be updated.  Information on
upgrading your tape drive to the latest firmware can be obtained here:

  o <>

To determine the level of firmware installed in a tape drive, try:

  # ioscan -funC tape

It is also not a bad idea to upgrade the system's SCSI tape drivers -
stape (tape2 also, on 10.x).  However, this will require a reboot...

  o For HP-UX 10.10, install PHKL_19804.
  o For HP-UX 10.20, install PHKL_22855.
  o For HP-UX 11.00, install PHKL_28216.
  o For HP-UX 11.11, install PHKL_28217.

Several third-party vendors of backup software (to be specific - BakBone,
Computer Associates, Legato, SCH, SOPRA, and VERITAS) support certain
Exabyte drives on HP-UX.  For a complete listing of which vendors support
which drives, see:

  o <>

What about OmniBack, you may ask.  Though
indicates that HP's OpenView OmniBack II software supports Exabytes only
on the Windows platform, HP does support the Exabyte 8505XL drive
(internal and external) with OmniBack 2.1 and later for HP-UX systems.

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Top Document: comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ
Previous Document: 5.8.2 How can I format a floppy under HP-UX?
Next Document: 5.8.4 How can I get a stuck DDS tape out of the drive?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM