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Hedgehog FAQ [2/7] - Finding more information
Section - <2.2> Is there any other information available on-line?

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Top Document: Hedgehog FAQ [2/7] - Finding more information
Previous Document: <2.1> What books are there on pet hedgehogs?
Next Document: <2.3> International Hedgehog Registry
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Discussions of hedgehogs often come up in the rec.pets and on the and alt.pets.hedgehogs Usenet newsgroups.  The FAQ ``Fleas,
Ticks and Your Pet'' is distributed on rec.pets, as well as listed in [9.4].
Several bulletin board systems keep pet FAQs and discussions, as does the
CompuServe Small Mammals forum.

I maintain a set of Hedgehog WWW pages that can be accessed at:

(Please Note: most my site is currently closed while under reconstruction --
I hope to have it reopened shortly, with the many out of date entries brought
up to date.)

Among the things available off my pages are links to all other hedgehog pages
I have found, and an HTMLized version of the FAQ.

Here are a couple of hedgehog sites to get you started searching through 
the Web.  These are not the only sites, nor are they definitive, but are
meant as a starting point to get you going:

Thanks to Rachel Markley for suggesting I add these here.  I expect to add
additional sites to the list as time goes on.  I would also suggest you
make good use of your favorite search engine to find hedgehog sites as the
web changes too rapidly for FAQ published monthly to try to keep abrest of
what's happening.

The list of hedgehog web pages is growing rapidly -- I've been trying to keep
pointers to many of them off my own web page, but by now I'm starting to miss
many, I'm sure.  Feel free to email me if you have one to add to my list of
pointers, or if you find one of my links doesn't work -- I am running way
behind on checking, lately.  :-}

After several changes in location over the years, the original Hedgehog 
Mailing List has, unfortunately, closed down.  Many thanks to all the folks
who looked after it through the years.

There are, however, a couple of hedgehog mailing lists that are up and 
active.  Fist, is the Hedgehog Help list, and as the name implies is meant
for hedgehog help topics.  Both an individual message version and a digest 
version of this list, are available.  One caution: this list is subject to
censorship by the list moderator, and not everyone can freely post to it.

You can join the regular (individual message) version by sending email to 
the address:

Or for the digest version, subscribe as above then send email to the 
following address to switch to the digest:

You can switch back to the individual (normal) version, by sending email to:

And, of course, to unsubscribe, use the address:

Last, and far from least, to send a message to the list, simply send it to:

Alternately, there is the PigPogLives mailing list.  I have heard that the
PogPogLives list may have closed, but I have not confirmed this as yet.  The
instructions for accessing PigPogLives are almost identical to the Hedgehog 
Help list:

You can join the regular (individual message) version by sending email to 
the address:

Or for the digest version, subscribe as above then send email to the 
following address to switch to the digest:

You can switch back to the individual (normal) version, by sending email to:

And, of course, to unsubscribe, use the address:

Last, and far from least, to send a message to the list, I believe the 
address is:

Next, another new list that looks very promising is the Hedgehogfun group.
Joining this list is probably most easily done through the web at:
and click the ``JOIN'' button.  One caveat -- this appears to be a very busy
webserver, as I've had trouble connecting, although the list, itself seems to
be fine.

I believe you can also subscribe to this list by sending an email to:
Probably with the word ``subscribe'' as the text of the message.

The list will send you a confirmation message, which you need to reply to.

To post messages to the list, send them to:

To unsubscribe, send a message to:
likely with the word ``unsubscribe'' as the text of the message.

My thanks to Pam (Russo) Powers for keeping me up on the info for the AOL
hedgehog chat session.

   The AOL hedgehog chat is on Thursday's at 7:00 P.M. EST 
   We love to have new people stopping by.

   The chat is located in the Critter Chat room, located in the Pet Care
   Forum, keyword-Pet Care.

Dick Brisky of Brisky Pet Products is setting up yet another web based chat 
off the YAHOO site.

   I wanted to let everyone know that I will be setting up a chat area at
   YAHOO ( ) the first Wednesday of each month, from
   7PM to 8PM Eastern. If you're interested in learning more about our pet 
   food products or in sharing any ideas or thoughts, stop in.

   To log-in you need to set-up an account there first (free), so stop by a
   couple of hours early if you don't have an account. After that all you
   have to do is search the ROOMS list for a room labeled BRISKY PET
   PRODUCTS and click in.
   - Dick Brisky

I know from my own dealings with Dick Brisky, that he is honestly interested
in things which will improve pet foods and products, and has always been very
open with any information he has had.  This should prove to be a good
variation on the other forums.

For those of you with ICQ access, Lisa Rowe, has set up an ICQ Hedgehog chat
room.  You can get more information about it at:

I've been given a pointer to a new forum that deals with hedgehogs (and
chinchillas) at:

Thanks to Rachel Markey for this pointer.

User Contributions:

Hi, my hedgehog started running around her cage squealing so I took her out to see what was wrong. Her genital area was inflamed and she had open sores all around that area. I gave her a bath, but I'm really worried about her. Do you have any idea what this could be?
Thank you!

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Top Document: Hedgehog FAQ [2/7] - Finding more information
Previous Document: <2.1> What books are there on pet hedgehogs?
Next Document: <2.3> International Hedgehog Registry

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM