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Hedgehog FAQ [1/7] - About the Hedgehog FAQ
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Top Document: Hedgehog FAQ [1/7] - About the Hedgehog FAQ
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This FAQ is intended to cover many of the basic questions about hedgehogs.
It's somewhat unusual in that it deals both with pet (African Pigmy)
hedgehogs, and with wild hedgehogs (primarily European, but also African).
Most of the FAQ is aimed primarily at pet hedgehogs, largely because that is
the information I have to draw on.  I hope to continue to extend the coverage
of the FAQ to address both groups reasonably, and since there is considerable
crossover in how the information applies, much of what is said about one
group is applicable to the other, with a little common sense used in the

The number of books and other sources for information is finally expanding to
a reasonable quantity, however, there is still relatively little information
available on caring for and understanding hedgehogs, at least compared to
most animals.  While this FAQ does not intend to be an in-depth dissertation
on hedgehogs, it is expected to provide some basic information, and to be a
source for new information as it is learned, rather than waiting for the next
book to be published.

I should also point out that I expect to keep the comments fairly light, so
as not to make the bulk of this FAQ qualify as a cure for insomnia.  If you
start to find it boring, tell me -- I probably fell asleep while typing that
section, and messed up on the what I was saying.

I do have to admit to one pang of guilt.  When I discovered there was so very
little information on looking after hedgehogs, I desperately wanted a FAQ to
refer to.  Since there wasn't one (Sorry Nathan, I didn't even know about
your efforts then) I figured the best way to get all the information I wanted
was to write the FAQ, and hope the comments it managed to get would provide
all the missing bits and pieces.  'Nuff said, let's get on with hedgehogs.

User Contributions:

Hi, my hedgehog started running around her cage squealing so I took her out to see what was wrong. Her genital area was inflamed and she had open sores all around that area. I gave her a bath, but I'm really worried about her. Do you have any idea what this could be?
Thank you!

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

Top Document: Hedgehog FAQ [1/7] - About the Hedgehog FAQ
Previous Document: <0.2> Where to get the Hedgehog FAQ
Next Document: <0.4> Credits and editor's notes

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM