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Magic: The Gathering Rules FAQ, v5.10 (part 2)
Section - 2.1.15: 2008

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Top Document: Magic: The Gathering Rules FAQ, v5.10 (part 2)
Previous Document: 2.1.14: 2007
Next Document: 2.1.16: 2009
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   Sets released: Morningtide, Shadowmoor, Eventide, Shards of Alara

Major stuff:

   - Shards of Alara made a move to a smaller set size and introduced
     mythic rare cards, approximately twice as rare as rare cards.
   - The concept of linked abilities was widened and got its own section
     in the rulebook, marking the end of shenanigans with cards like
     Callous Oppressor.

Minor stuff:

   - The abilities prowl, reinforce and kinship appeared in Morningtide;
     conspire, wither and persist in Shadowmoor and retrace in Eventide.
     Shards of Alara brought exalted, unearth and devour.

   - Shadowmoor introduced the untap symbol {Q}.

   - Shadowmoor introduced costs that are paid with a number of
     mana of any color or just one mana of a particular color, e.g.
     {2/B} can be paid as {2} or {B}.

   - Shadowmoor gave the game another multicolored artifact, the Reaper

   - Shards of Alara continued the colored artifact theme in earnest.

User Contributions:

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Top Document: Magic: The Gathering Rules FAQ, v5.10 (part 2)
Previous Document: 2.1.14: 2007
Next Document: 2.1.16: 2009

Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Part5 - Part6 - Single Page

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM