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Magic: The Gathering Rules FAQ, v5.10 (part 2)
Section - 2.1.13: 2006

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Top Document: Magic: The Gathering Rules FAQ, v5.10 (part 2)
Previous Document: 2.1.12: 2005
Next Document: 2.1.14: 2007
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   Sets released: Guildpact, Dissension, Coldsnap, Time Spiral

Major stuff:

   - Coldsnap changed the 'snow-covered' supertype to 'snow' and expanded
   its use to nonland permanents.
   - Time Spiral introduced a rule to make +1/+1 and -1/-1 counters on
   a permanent disappear in pairs.
   - With the online release of Mirage block cards, the rules for phasing
   were updated.  Phasing out no longer triggers leaves play abilities.
   - Time Spiral introduced suspend, a way of playing a card for less
   mana by having it resolve some turns in the future.
   - Time Spiral introduced split second, an ability that prevents
   players from responding to the spell that it's on.  The flavour is
   similar to that of the pre-6th Edition interrupts.

User Contributions:

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

Top Document: Magic: The Gathering Rules FAQ, v5.10 (part 2)
Previous Document: 2.1.12: 2005
Next Document: 2.1.14: 2007

Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Part5 - Part6 - Single Page

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Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: (Zoe Stephenson)

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM