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Section - 29. How do I talk to others?

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Top Document: Frequently Asked Questions (Part 1 of 2)
Previous Document: 28. How do I change scope?
Next Document: 30. What should I do first?
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There are three basic ways:

br - This broadcasts a message that will appear on all active player
screens except those players with a "gag" in place (you can see that
in the who list). On HAP, if you broadcast, only those players who
know something about your race will be able to "translate" your
broadcast or your messages (see send).

ann - This is the same as broadcast, except that it limits your
audience to those players in the same stellar scope as you. This is a
good way to carry on a more sensitive conversation, but there's no way
to be sure whether you're being overheard.

send - This sends a telegram to the named player at a cost of 1 AP.
There is no cost for communicating this way with the game deity.
There is also a "cr " command available with the gbII client, but it
is discussed in the client Help just fine.

User Contributions:

If you make a few life style changes you shulod be able to lose some weight if you need to lose weight. However, your height is determined mainly be genetics. This is a system that has worked well for me for overall weight loss and fitness, and several friends have also been successful with it.1. Eat three nutritious meals and three snacks everyday. Cut out junk food. You probably need about 1500 to 1800 calories a day. Many people make the mistake of not eating enough when they try to lose weight and then become discouraged.2. Drink lots of water at least 8 big glasses as day. Lots of water is essential. Stop drinking soda and other drinks with useless calories. Eat fresh fruit instead of fruit juices the juices are very high in calories.3. Begin a simple weight lifting program at home or at a gym. Ordinary household items (tins of soup, for example) can actually serve as weights for beginners. Buy yourself a good weight lifting book for women. Actually the dummies series of books has done a rather good one.4. Walk, walk, walk. Buy yourself a pedometer and aim for 10,000 steps a day.5. Record everything you eat and all your exercise to make sure you have a calorie deficit . Two of the sites I've included will help you do that. Basically buring more calories than you take in leads to weight loss. You need a deficit of 3500 calories to lose one pound.6. If you drive, do less of it and park at the back of the parking lot instead of close to the door. Always use stairs never the elevator or escalator.7. A mini stepper is an easy piece to equipment to have at home and gives great results. I bought mine at a second hand store for $4. even if you use it for a minute or two several times a day it can make a big difference.I hope these thoughts help. You can do this. Good luck with it.

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Top Document: Frequently Asked Questions (Part 1 of 2)
Previous Document: 28. How do I change scope?
Next Document: 30. What should I do first?

Part1 - Part2 - Single Page

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM