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Axis & Allies FAQ v1.4
Section - 17. Are there any game conventions that include Axis & Allies games?

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Yes.  Coyt D. Watters ( maintains an
excellent list of game conventions (The Big Con List) that he posts to  If your system supports the finger command, you can
also get the list by using the command:


The largest gaming convention in the world, GenCon, is held every year
in the US, and attracts over 30,000 people for a 4-day gaming marathon.
Included in this is the A&A Mega-Tourney, where 64 or 128 teams of 2 to
4 players compete for the tournament's A&A World Championship.  It is
the closest thing to an international event, so if you want to show
how good you are, this is the place to do it.  Check The Big Con List
for dates and location.

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Top Document: Axis & Allies FAQ v1.4
Previous Document: 16. How do I calculate the probability of units hitting or missing?
Next Document: *18. What kind of tournament rules are used?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM