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Culinary herbFAQ part 1/1

( Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Part5 - Part6 - Part7 )
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Archive-name: food/culinary-herbs/part1
Posting-Frequency: monthly (on or about 20th)
Last-modified: 30Jan06
Version: 1.17e

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   * 1 Introduction
        o 1.1 Contributors
        o 1.2 Wishlist

   * 2 Herbs: gardening / harvesting / using them
        o 2.1 Basil
        o 2.2 Curry plant / Curry leaf
        o 2.3 Sage
        o 2.4 Chives
        o 2.5 Saffron
        o 2.6 Zucchini flowers
        o 2.7 Chamomile
        o 2.8 Coriander / Cilantro / Culantro / Vietnamese Coriander
        o 2.9 The mints
        o 2.10 Feverfew and Pyrethrum
        o 2.11 Tarragon
        o 2.12 Nasturtiums
        o 2.13 Dill
        o 2.14 Rosemary
        o 2.15 Lavender
        o 2.16 Lemon balm
        o 2.17 Garlic
        o 2.18 Thyme
        o 2.19 Lemon grass / Citronella grass
        o 2.20 Horseradish
        o 2.21 Fennel
        o 2.22 Anise Hyssop
        o 2.23 Parsley
        o 2.24 Monarda or Bee Balm
             * 2.24.5 Monarda and the bergamot flavor in Earl Grey tea
        o 2.25 Ginger
        o 2.26 Anise
        o 2.27 Borage
        o 2.28 Horehound
        o 2.29 Marjoram and oregano / Cuban oregano / Mexican oregano
        o 2.30 Caraway
        o 2.31 Catnip
        o 2.32 Lovage
        o 2.33 Savory: Winter and Summer
        o 2.34 Rue
        o 2.35 Rocket
        o 2.36 Angelica
        o 2.37 Sweet Cicely
        o 2.38 Mexican Mint Marigold (MMM) / Mexican Tarragon
        o 2.39 Shiso or Perilla
        o 2.40 Capers

   * 3 Gardening
        o 3.1 Herbs for ground cover
        o 3.2 Herbs you can't get rid of (= easy gardening)
        o 3.3 Tall herbs
        o 3.4 Herbs for shade
        o 3.5 Growing herbs indoors
        o 3.6 Growing herbs from cuttings
        o 3.7 Warning signs of soil nutrient deficiencies
        o 3.8 Etc.
             + 3.8.1 Fungicides in general and for damping off

   * 4 Processing herbs
        o 4.1 Herb vinegars
        o 4.2 Herb oil
        o 4.3 Drying your herbs
        o 4.4 Freezing your herbs
        o 4.5 Herb butter
        o 4.6 Jelly, syrup and other sweets
             + 4.6.1 Flower / herb jelly
             + 4.6.2 Flower / herb syrup
             + 4.6.3 Miscellaneous sweets
             + 4.6.4 Edible flowers
        o 4.7 Potpourris and other non-culinary uses for herbs / flowers
             + 4.7.1 Stovetop potpourri
             + 4.7.2 Dry potpourri
             + 4.7.3 Drying flowers whole for potpourri
             + 4.7.4 Bath salts
             + 4.7.5 Rose beads
             + 4.7.6 Miscellaneous
        o 4.8 Beverages
             + 4.8.1 Wine
             + 4.8.2 Ginger ale / ginger beer
             + 4.8.3 Herbal teas
        o 4.9 Recipes using lots of herbs
             + 4.9.1 Gazpacho
             + 4.9.2 Pesto - added some more uses 06Nov04
             + 4.9.3 Miscellaneous
             + 4.9.4 Spice mixes
             + 4.9.5 Mustards

   * 5 Links
        o 5.1 FTP sites
        o 5.2 WWW pages

The culinary herb FAQ is online here:

Henriette Kress, AHG                        Helsinki, Finland
Henriette's herbal homepage:

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM