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[] Peeps FAQ.
Section - 6. Does the name "Peeps" mean only the original chicks, or does it refer to all the other similar candies as well ?

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Top Document: [] Peeps FAQ.
Previous Document: 5. What other candies are related to Peeps?
Next Document: 7. What is the significance of the company name "Just Born"?
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A purist might say that "Peeps" should only refer to the chicks. (Chicks
peep, bunnies don't, cats and snowmen certainly don't.) However, in the
past few years, Just Born has started using the brand name "Peeps" to
refer to the entire line of sugar-coated marshmallow holiday candies,
such as Peeps brand Bunnies and Peeps brand Hearts. 

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Top Document: [] Peeps FAQ.
Previous Document: 5. What other candies are related to Peeps?
Next Document: 7. What is the significance of the company name "Just Born"?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM