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[] Peeps FAQ.
Section - 34. There's this cute stuffed bird called "Puffkins The Peep", is it anything like the stuffed Peep above, or does it have anything to

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Top Document: [] Peeps FAQ.
Previous Document: 33. Are there any tie-in merchandise items?
Next Document: 35. What's this about a Peeps Fan Club?
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  do with Peeps?

"Puffkins" is the name of a line of cute stuffed collectables, somewhat
similar to Beanie Babies, manufactured by Swibco. 

One of the Puffkins is indeed named "Puffkins the Peep", but is has no
connection to Marshmallow Peeps other than a similar name.  A  photo of
Puffkins the Peep appears at the URL listed in the header. I've been
told that Puffkins the Peep is no longer manufactured, but is still sold
and traded by collectors.

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Top Document: [] Peeps FAQ.
Previous Document: 33. Are there any tie-in merchandise items?
Next Document: 35. What's this about a Peeps Fan Club?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM