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[] Peeps FAQ.
Section - 18. What (when) exactly is "Peep Season"? Is this when you can legally hunt Peeps or something?

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Top Document: [] Peeps FAQ.
Previous Document: 17. Why are Peeps all of a sudden so popular?
Next Document: 19. Is there anyplace you can buy Peeps off-season?
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Peep fanciers sometimes refer to the period in late winter and early
spring, when Peeps are commonly available in stores, as Peep Season.

Peep Season begins on February 15, the date most stores change their
"Seasonal" aisles from Valentines to Easter, and ends a week or so after
Easter, when the yearly supply is gone.

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Top Document: [] Peeps FAQ.
Previous Document: 17. Why are Peeps all of a sudden so popular?
Next Document: 19. Is there anyplace you can buy Peeps off-season?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM