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Mgetty+Sendfax with Vgetty Extensions (FAQ)
Section - What terms cover my use of mgetty+sendfax/vgetty?

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>From the distribution:

"The mgetty+sendfax package is Copyright (c) 1993 Gert Doering. You
are permitted to do anything you want with this program -
redistribute it, use parts of the code in your own programs, ...,
but you have to give me credit - do not remove my name.

"If the program works for you, and you want to honour my efforts,
you are invited to donate as much as you want.

"If you make money with mgetty, I want a share. What I mean by that
is: it's perfectly OK with me to get paid for mgetty installation
or support, but if you want to actually sell mgetty, or pack mgetty
with a modem and sell it as "unix fax package", contact me first.

"*WARNING:* This package is still BETA software. Use it at your own
risk, there is *no* warranty. If it erases all the data on your
hard disk, damages your hardware, or kills your dog, that is
entirely your problem. Anyway, the program works for me and quite a
lot of other people."

Marc put the voice part under the GPL. To avoid misunderstandings,
Gert decided to not include the GPL text into the distribution,
though. The copyright for the voice stuff is GPL.

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Top Document: Mgetty+Sendfax with Vgetty Extensions (FAQ)
Previous Document: What other software do I need?
Next Document: Where can I get mgetty+sendfax?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM