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Section - 5.3. Should I buy a wetsuit? What kind of wetsuit should I buy?

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Top Document: FAQ 05/01/2002
Previous Document: 5.2. What are the rules about wetsuits?
Next Document: 5.4. Where can I find a place to train?
Whether or not to buy a wetsuit is a personal decision. If you are not sure
may want to check local bike/run/tri shops in the area to see if they have
you can rent. If you live in a warm climate there may be no reason to buy
however if you live where the waters are often in the 70s or colder you
probably consider one

If you are going to buy a wetsuit, make sure you get one that is made for
triathlon. A dive/jet ski/etc wetsuit will not give you the freedom of
you need to swim effectively. Triathlon wetsuits generally range from about
to over $400 depending on the type and quality. There are several types of
triathlon wetsuits on the market: TypeDescriptionAdvantagesDisadvantages

Shorty: No sleeves with short legs
 Cheap, easiest to remove in transition
 Least exposure protection and speed improvement
Farmer John: No sleeves with long legs
 Improved warmth over Shorty without sacrificing range of motion
 Less speed improvement than a full suit, slower transitions than Shorty
Full Suit: Full sleeves with long legs
 Fastest suit with best exposure protection
 Arm movement somewhat restrained, slowest transition, most expensive

Top Document: FAQ 05/01/2002
Previous Document: 5.2. What are the rules about wetsuits?
Next Document: 5.4. Where can I find a place to train?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM