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Dreams FAQ Pt.3/4: About Lucid Dreaming
Section - 6.2. If you are lucid, can you control the dream?

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Top Document: Dreams FAQ Pt.3/4: About Lucid Dreaming
Previous Document: 6.1. What is lucid dreaming?
Next Document: 6.3. Does lucid dreaming interfere with the function of "normal" dreaming?
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A. Usually lucidity brings with  it some degree   of control over  the
course of the dream. How much control is possible varies from dream to
dream and from dreamer  to dreamer. Practice can apparently contribute
to the ability to exert control over dream events. At the least, lucid
dreamers can choose   how they wish to respond   to the events of  the
dream. For example,  you can decide to  face up to a frightening dream
figure, knowing it  cannot harm you, rather than  to try to avoid  the
danger as you naturally would if you did not know it was a dream. Even
this amount of control can transform the dream  experience from one in
which   you  are    the  helpless victim    of frequently  terrifying,
frustrating, or maddening experiences to one in  which you can dismiss
for a while the cares and concerns of waking  life. On the other hand,
some people are able   to achieve a level   of mastery in  their lucid
dreaming where  they  can  create any  world,   live any fantasy,  and
experience anything they can imagine!

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Top Document: Dreams FAQ Pt.3/4: About Lucid Dreaming
Previous Document: 6.1. What is lucid dreaming?
Next Document: 6.3. Does lucid dreaming interfere with the function of "normal" dreaming?

Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Single Page

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM