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Dreams FAQ Pt.2/4: Nightmares, OOBEs, paranormal issues
Section - 5.2. Can people share dreams?

( Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Single Page )
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Top Document: Dreams FAQ Pt.2/4: Nightmares, OOBEs, paranormal issues
Previous Document: 5.1. Do dreams predict the future?
Next Document: 5.3. How can I tell actual paranormal experiences from self-delusion?
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A.   Again, an unanswered question.  Many people  believe that such  a
possibility  exists,  but  the   lack  of   a  sufficient   scientific
explanation  is  obvious. The  often claimed experiences of this kind,
like in  the above case, mostly are not  thoroughly enough  documented
and examined. It is rather plausible that people "meet in dreams" just
by dreaming *roughly* of similar  things,  and fuzzy  memory  does the
rest when they tell each other. (Write down your dreams!)

But again, whether actual telepathic interaction  is possible  remains
unanswered for now, and some  people are doing research about it under
lab conditions.   [There  has been  an institute for this  at Freiburg
University  in  Germany;  I've been told  that it doesn't operate  any
more, but perhaps I can collect some of their research, sometimes...]

One trivial case of interaction in dreams is  people who sleep in  the
same room talking to each other in their sleep. Yes, that does happen.

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Top Document: Dreams FAQ Pt.2/4: Nightmares, OOBEs, paranormal issues
Previous Document: 5.1. Do dreams predict the future?
Next Document: 5.3. How can I tell actual paranormal experiences from self-delusion?

Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Single Page

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM