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Dreams FAQ Pt.1/4: General Information, dream interpretation
Section - 2.1. What does this mean?

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Top Document: Dreams FAQ Pt.1/4: General Information, dream interpretation
Previous Document: 2. Dream interpretation and symbols +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Next Document: 2.2. Can you interpret this dream for me?
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A. Symbols are one way  of interpreting dreams. Researchers have tried
to  find, for each  common dream occurrence, a psychological situation
that matches   the  dream in some   way  and link  it  as  a  cause. A
well-known example of this approach  is Freud's interpretation. Asking
for  symbols allows for  (sometimes too easy) interpretation of dreams
by given rules.

Other people question this approach.  Dream interpretation by  catalog
of  symbols doesn't take  into  account individual differences between
dreamers.  You can  imagine this flaw  by taking into account that the
cultural  background  is  an   important  point  that  should  not  be
neglected. Freud's theories, that give high importance to hidden signs
of  sexual desires,   are  based on  a  society   that  has suppressed
sexuality. And so on.   In a more  global context, asking  for special
symbols is of dubious value.  Nonetheless, in a certain given context,
these symbols can have a valuable meaning.

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Top Document: Dreams FAQ Pt.1/4: General Information, dream interpretation
Previous Document: 2. Dream interpretation and symbols +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Next Document: 2.2. Can you interpret this dream for me?

Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Single Page

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM