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Dreams FAQ Pt.1/4: General Information, dream interpretation
Section - 1.1. Does everybody dream? Why is it that I don't remember my dreams?

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Top Document: Dreams FAQ Pt.1/4: General Information, dream interpretation
Previous Document: 1. General ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Next Document: 1.2. How do external stimuli affect my dreams?
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A: [cf. section  6.4] Everybody dreams.   Not only all humans, but  in
fact all mammals are shown to have REM sleep, which is associated with
dreams. It is a normal and necessary  function of the body (though the
details,  especially the   exact   reason why   it is  important,  are
unknown).  So if  you think you  don't  dream you probably just  don't

People vary greatly  in how much they remember  of their  dreams.  The
perhaps most  important reason why people forget  their dreams is that
they don't care. Western culture does  not regard dreams as especially
important,  rather it  regards  getting out of   the bed in  time as a
prevalent survival factor. This is bad in two  respects as most dreams
occur at the end of the sleeping cycle and  are often interrupted, and
the necessity of  getting  up fast and keeping   up with the  schedule
occupies  peoples' minds and  prevents them  from thinking about their
dreams in the morning.

Dream recall  can  be trained. Try to   think over all what  you  have
dreamed  for some   time  before getting  up and  write  it down  soon
afterwards. More info in section 6.

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Top Document: Dreams FAQ Pt.1/4: General Information, dream interpretation
Previous Document: 1. General ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Next Document: 1.2. How do external stimuli affect my dreams?

Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Single Page

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM