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Dreams FAQ Pt.1/4: General Information, dream interpretation
Section - 2.3. Is this common?

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Top Document: Dreams FAQ Pt.1/4: General Information, dream interpretation
Previous Document: 2.2. Can you interpret this dream for me?
Next Document: 2.4. Can people dream of their own death?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
A. Yes. :-) Specifically, if people ask the newsgroups about a certain
dream experience, in the overwhelming majority of cases others  answer
that they  know this from  their dreams.  Sometimes the reaction comes
up, "And I've thought I was  the only  one to dream this weird thing!"
"Weird" is the most  inappropriate  word  when  dealing  with  dreams,
anyway.  Dreams  are  not to be measured by  real life standards, they
have their own.

It can be assumed that much, if not most, dream imagery follows common
patterns  in  all  people. Most  important, we should not  forget that
dreams are based on actual experiences and imaginations, some of which
are just widespread. We all think about how nice it would be  to  fly,
for example. On the other hand, people  who report flying dreams use a
number  of  different   flying  techniques   in  their  dreams,   from
breast-strokes like in  swimming to simply lifting off, Superman-style.
It is imagination that sets the limits.

An  oft-cited example   is that  of  teeth   falling out. The   common
"symbolistic" interpretation associates  this  with  fear of loss   of
something, perhaps  someone, valuable. The  next common explanation is
remembrance of losing teeth during  childhood, which could have been a
somewhat traumatic experience. But it  can also be  easily linked to a
sleeping position where  some external pressure or muscle contractions
cause your teeth to grind against each other, or tooth-aches caused by
illnesses (cf. section 1.2.)

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Top Document: Dreams FAQ Pt.1/4: General Information, dream interpretation
Previous Document: 2.2. Can you interpret this dream for me?
Next Document: 2.4. Can people dream of their own death?

Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Single Page

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM