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diabetes FAQ: sources (part 4 of 5)
Section - Online resources: diabetes-related newsgroups

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See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
On the Usenet, the newsgroup carries most of the
messages related to diabetes. Volume runs about 200-250 articles/day. Suppose
you obtained this FAQ by some method other than by reading m.h.d and you want
to participate. If you already have access to Usenet news, just subscribe to; the exact method depends on the software used at your
site, so you should inquire locally for details. If you do not have access to
Usenet news, inquire locally about obtaining such access. The key words are
"I want to participate in the Usenet newsgroup". Usenet
is available at most colleges and universities, many companies, all of the
large commercial services (including Delphi, Netcom, America Online,
Compuserve, Prodigy), many smaller local services, most Freenet systems,
and many locally run BBSs. Some of these have selective news feeds, and you
will have to ask them to get before you can subscribe
via their system.

m.h.d is not gatewayed to any mailing list, and to my knowledge is not
archived anywhere as such. However, DejaNews has all of Usenet from March
1995 to present online and available to the public, and plans to extend the
scope farther into the past. You can create a filter specifying only the
newsgroup you want, and then search for key words. See

Another newsgroup,, has a much smaller volume of
articles, about 2-3 per day. Being in the alt.* hierarchy of newsgroups, its
propagation is somewhat restricted compared to To
obtain access, follow the same instructions as for m.h.d, above.

Other Usenet newsgroups which might be relevant are and its subgroups
     the hierarchy
     the hierarchy, especially
     bit.listserv.transplant (only available at sites that carry bit.* --
                              see the description below of the TRNSPLNT list)

User Contributions:

Raqiba Shihab
Many thanks. My husband has Type 2 diabetes and we were a bit concerned about his blood sugar/glucose levels because he was experiencing symptoms of hyperglyceamia. We used a glucometer which displays the reading mg/dl so in my need to know what the difference
between and mg/dl and mmol/l is, i came across your article and was so pleased to aquire a lot more info regarding blood glucose, how to read and convert it.
It was really informative and useful for people who don't know conversion. Thanks to you

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Previous Document: Table of Contents
Next Document: Online resources: diabetes-related mailing lists

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM