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diabetes FAQ: general (part 1 of 5)
Section - Abuse of the newsgroup

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As mentioned above, a few participants believe that name-calling and abusive
language are more effective than polite discussion, support and interchange
of information. They are wrong, and the vast majority of participants support
a more civilized and polite view of humanity. Since is
unmoderated, we all have to live together.

A few m.h.d. participants have received abusive email. Some are afraid to
expose such abuse, having been told that email must always be private.
However, abusive email is no more deserving of privacy than obscene phone
calls or threatening letters. There is no authority to which you can report
abusive email (unless it contains an actual threat, in which can you may be
justified in contacting a law enforcement agency). Steve Kirchoefer
<swkirch(AT)> is willing to try to mediate problems with
email. Though Steve has no official authority, he has experience in dealing
with problems on the net and may be able to help clear up such problems. Send
him complete copies of any abusive email.

User Contributions:

Raqiba Shihab
Many thanks. My husband has Type 2 diabetes and we were a bit concerned about his blood sugar/glucose levels because he was experiencing symptoms of hyperglyceamia. We used a glucometer which displays the reading mg/dl so in my need to know what the difference
between and mg/dl and mmol/l is, i came across your article and was so pleased to aquire a lot more info regarding blood glucose, how to read and convert it.
It was really informative and useful for people who don't know conversion. Thanks to you

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Top Document: diabetes FAQ: general (part 1 of 5)
Previous Document: What's this newsgroup like?
Next Document: The newsgroup charter

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM