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PDP-8 Summary of Models and Options (posted every other month)
Section - What is a DECmate III?

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Top Document: PDP-8 Summary of Models and Options (posted every other month)
Previous Document: What is a DECmate II?
Next Document: What is a DECmate III+?
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Date of introduction:  1984
Date of withdrawal:    1990 
Also known as:
	PC23P-Ax/LH -- where x gave the monitor color A (B/W), J(Grn), S(Amb).
Price: $2,695 - $2885

Technology:  Same as the DECmate II.

Reason for introduction:  Again, DEC discovered that the market for large
	systems was dominated by other products, and that the PDP-8 based
	products were rarely expanded to their full potential.  Thus,
	there was no point in paying the price for expandability.

Compatability:  Same as the DECmate II, except that the printer port is
	fixed at 4800 baud.

Standard Configuration:  The DECmate III was sold with 32K of program
	memory, plus a second full bank for dedicated control panel
	functions, an integral RX50 dual 5 1/4 inch diskette drive with
	an 8051 controller chip, a printer port, a 100Hz real-time-clock,
	a data communications port, and interfaces for the VR-201 monitor
	and keyboard.

Expandability:  A revised version of the Z80 based coprocessor for the
	DECmate II was available for $430 (PC23X-AB/LH), and a graphics
	board largely compatable with the later DECmate II graphics board
	could be added for $630 (PC23X-CA/LH), allowing the standard
	monochrome monitor to be replaced with a VR-241 color monitor.
	Dual monitor configurations were not supported.  An obscure
	variant of the DEC scholar modem was also supported for $630

Survival:  As with the DECmate I.

User Contributions:

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Top Document: PDP-8 Summary of Models and Options (posted every other month)
Previous Document: What is a DECmate II?
Next Document: What is a DECmate III+?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM