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alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Section - 4-14. Why is there so much violence in sXe?

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Top Document: alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Previous Document: 4-13. What is the relationship of sXe to skating and BMX?
Next Document: 5. About the people
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    On 28 Aug 1998 Stew <stew-e@usa!net> wrote:
    "I am a passive sXe.  I believe that fighting is more sissy than 
    talking it out, because when you compromise, you have to give 
    something up.  Figthing is just plain selfish because you dont want 
    to be proven wrong.  I never want to fight anyone.  That is why I 
    always carry a gravity knife with me, so If someone fucks with me, 
    than I can wipe them out quickly (although i hope I will never have 
    to!)  The hardcore dancing can be violent sometimes, and that may 
    have something to do with it.  Also, since we take things so 
    seriously, then we dont want to fuck around, and we get to business."

    On 30 Dec 1998 <SikanderXe@aol!com> wrote:
    "because kids are dumb....actually, that's mostly the kids who are 
    sXe so they can hate more people. Don't use the actions of some 
    foolish examples to judge the whole group. I could say "why is there 
    so much violence in christianity (or islam, or the USA, or any other 
    group for that matter)"

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Top Document: alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Previous Document: 4-13. What is the relationship of sXe to skating and BMX?
Next Document: 5. About the people

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM