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alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Section - 4-9. What is a sellout?

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Top Document: alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Previous Document: 4-8. Is sXe a crutch for the weak?
Next Document: 4-10. Why do a lot of you people use the name of your band or 'zine as a surname?
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    "Well, to clear things up a little, selling out means compromising 
    one's beliefs or principles for money or self agin. If Earth Crisis
    went mainstream (with the same message) to help others not themselves,
    then what about that would be selling out? ... Don't compromise style,
    originality or the message. Just get those things out to the people
    who are in need of it the most, those who have yet to hear it." [17]

    On 16 Feb 1998 Jimmy VA wrote:
    "Following "the edge" isn't for everybody, and sometimes it takes an
    attempt to live by the edge to figure that out. Don't pass judgement 
    on someone just because they want to smoke or drink or whatever. In 
    the words of Stretch Armstrong, "If you turned your back on someone 
    just because they 'broke the edge', then tell me, who sold out who?"."

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Top Document: alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Previous Document: 4-8. Is sXe a crutch for the weak?
Next Document: 4-10. Why do a lot of you people use the name of your band or 'zine as a surname?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM