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alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Section - 4-6. What is hardline straight-edge?

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Top Document: alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Previous Document: 4-5. Isn't straight-edge just a fad?
Next Document: 4-7. What is a poseur?
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    On 9 Jun 1997 Andy Dempz <adempz@umich!edu> wrote:
    "Hardline is a very specific political eco-defense movement that 
    believes they have the one truth of natural living, including
    abstinence from drugs, veganism, and pro-life beliefs.  They also claim 
    to believe in direct action, but it remains to be seen if they'll do 

    From the Hardline Creed:
    "The time has come for an ideology and for a movement, that is both
    physically and morally strong enough, to do battle against the forces 
    of evil that are destroying the earth (and all life upon it). ...

    "That ideology, that movement, is Hardline. A belief system, and a way
    of life that lives by one ethos - that all innocent life is sacred, and 
    must have the right to live out it's natural state of existance in
    peace, without interference. ... Any action that does interfere with 
    such rights shall not be considered a "right" in itself, and therefore
    shall not be tolerated. Those who hurt or destroy life around them, or
    create a situation in which that life or the quality of it is 
    threatened shall from then on no longer be considered innocent life, 
    and in turn will no longer have rights.

    "Adherents to the hardline will abide by these proncilpes in daily 
    life. They shall live at one with the laws of nature, and shall not
    forsake them for the desire of pleasure - from deviant sexual acts
    and/or abortion, to drug use of any kind (and all other cases where 
    one harms all life around them under the pretext that they are just
    harming themselves). And, in following with the belief that one shall
    not infringe on an innocent's life - no animal product shall be 
    consumed (be it flesh, milk or egg). Along with this purity of 
    everyday life, the true hardliner must strive to liberate the rest of
    the world from it's chains - saving lives in some cases, and in others,
    dealing out justice to those guilty of destoying it." [10]
    On 25 May 1997 Xcabal423X <xcabal423x@aol!com> wrote:
    "sXe has nothing to do with hardline."

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Top Document: alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Previous Document: 4-5. Isn't straight-edge just a fad?
Next Document: 4-7. What is a poseur?

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