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alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Section - 3-6. Is straight-edge about politics?

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Top Document: alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Previous Document: 3-5. Can I be straight-edge and gay?
Next Document: 3-7. Do I have to be vegan/vegetarian to be straight-edge?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
    Although sXe is not inherently political, politics are a logical
    extension of an sXe lifestyle. Once you have regained control over your 
    life, the desire to help others and to make a positive contribution to 
    your culture, society, community by addressing issues of social justice 
    is a very natural thing to do. Many sXe'ers join organisations like 
    Greenpeace, Amnesty International, and SADD (Students Against Drunk 
    Drivers). They also encourage friends to give up drugs, alcohol, and 
    smoking. [2] [12]

    On Mon, 24 Mar 1997 <katoh9tale@aol!com> wrote:
    "My impression of people who are talking about straight-edge these days 
    is similar to the impression of current dead-heads sitting around 
    talking about how much they wished that they had been around at 
    woodstock shouting the "fish cheer" with Country Joe and the Fish.
    "It is an incredible misunderstanding of the music and surrounding 
    culture that lead to it's creation.
    "The straight-edge in spawned in DC and Boston back in the days of 
    Minor Threat and SSD was not some kind of ideological system.  It was a 
    knee-jerk reaction to an overwhelming number of fans who were minors 
    and the incredible numbers of clubs who refused to allow them in the 
    doors. Even the "X" in sXe is nothing more than a throwback to club 
    alcohol policies."

    Asked where he stands politically, Russ Rankin from Good Riddance said:
    "I would say I'm very much to the left on everything. Everything except 
    drug legalization.  I don't think drugs should ever be legalized.

    "Why not? Because I'm straight edge and closed minded." [13]

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Top Document: alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Previous Document: 3-5. Can I be straight-edge and gay?
Next Document: 3-7. Do I have to be vegan/vegetarian to be straight-edge?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM