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alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Section - 3-2. If I slip from the 'edge does that mean I can't be straight-edge anymore?

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Top Document: alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Previous Document: 3-1. Why are there so many rules?
Next Document: 3-3. Can I be straight-edge and a Christian?
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    Noone is perfect, so just get back on the 'edge.

    On 12 Jul 1997 <Shmee5@aol!com> wrote:
    "It's my belief that either you are or you never were. I'm not saying 
    that I don't believe in second chances - but when it comes to slipping
    from the edge...well, just don't slip and there's no nead to worry.  I
    just feel that if you aren't ready to commit then you shouldn't call 
    yourself SxE."

    On 14 Sep 1997 ianX <> wrote:
    "it's easy to go off track when shit happens. No-one has to be perfect 
    as no-one can be."

    On 01 Dec 1997 <> wrote:
    "there is no slipping up in sXe. this can be heard in the lyrics of 
    many bands...sXe is, by the modern definition a commitment for life. 
    if you slip up you sell out, and if you sell out then you can't call 
    yourself straightedge anymore. that's basically it. there's no turning 

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Top Document: alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Previous Document: 3-1. Why are there so many rules?
Next Document: 3-3. Can I be straight-edge and a Christian?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM