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alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Section - 4-4. Why can't we have unity within hardcore/punk?

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Top Document: alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Previous Document: 4-3. Why is straight-edge so narrow minded?
Next Document: iii. References
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    On 24 Jul 1997 Ralf Sandner <spitbrother@swol!de> wrote:
    "i think straight edge only makes sense in the punk community. like my
    favourite t-shirt says: "if you are not punk you are not straight 
    edge". so i hate what most of sXe is today: kids just being sXe with no
    bounds to or even hate towards the punk scene, kids listening to bad
    metal bands and acting like macho idiots instead of fellow punks having 
    a sXe lifestyle"

    On 04 Jul 1997 INTEG <integ@hdk-berlin!de> wrote:
    "JUST ANOTHER WORD  (by SFA, 1989)
    When will you realize you can't change anything with just an "X" on
    your hand. When will you realize that unity is just another word if
    you don't follow through. These walls you build between us are the
    ones you claim to be breaking down.  I don't buy your superior 
    attitude. When will you realize? You cast me off because I'm not like 
    you. You think you're cool with your ways, you self-righteous child. 
    This dilemma WE FACE we could face together if you would really open
    your minds.  When will you realize? - You probably never will."

    On 07 Jul 1997 BattleMonkey <battlemonkey@rocketmail!com> wrote:
    "I grew up and hung out in Louisivlle, KY for years during the 1980s,
    and the shows there were incredibly diverse and non-specific. Beercore
    nuts would go see straight edge bands, and straight edge kids would 4-5.    Isn't straight-edge just a fad?
    4-6.    What is hardline straight-edge?
    4-7.    What is a poseur?
    4-8.    Is sXe a crutch for the weak?
    4-9.    What is a sellout?
    4-10.   Why do a lot of you people use the name of your band 
            or 'zine as a surname?
    4-11.   Why don't sXe kids have a sense of humour?
    4-12.   What is DIY?
    4-13.   What is the relationship of sXe to skating and BMX?
    4-14.   Why is there so much violence in sXe?

    5.      About the people
    5-1.    What do you guys wear?
    5-2.    What's with the tattoos and stuff?
    5-3.    Who's who of apse?

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Top Document: alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Previous Document: 4-3. Why is straight-edge so narrow minded?
Next Document: iii. References

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM