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alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Section - 3-9. Is taking caffeine straight-edge?

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Top Document: alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Previous Document: 3-8. Can I take medications if I'm straight-edge?
Next Document: 3-10. How much does pro-life feature in sXe?
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    On 17 Jun 1997 ianX <ian-one@demon!co!uk> wrote:
    "really it's up to your own interpretation of straightedge, some drink 
    coffee and tea others don't. It's all a matter of personal choice. I 
    don't drink it as I just hate coffee's taste." 

    On 15 Nov 1998 Neal M. Jones <> wrote:
    "I do believe it is right for a person who calls himself sXe to 
    drink or eat caffene in moderate amounts. I call myself sXe but 
    still drink coffee on occation. The point is that i think that if 
    a straightXedger uses a legal drug that won't ruin his life, like 
    alchohol and tobacco do, it isn't a violation of the sXe principles. 
    Unlike other legal drugs, caffiene isn't very harmful and isn't as 
    addictive.  The same moral issue goes for perscription drugs.  Drugs 
    you get from the doctor are perscribed so that they won't hurt you.  
    It would be wrong to take someone else's perscription but since the 
    drug suggested by your doctor is ohkay for you to take it doesn't 
    conflict with your sXe beliefs.  I do believe that at the point when 
    you do get addicted to caffiene you should stop but if someone just 
    does it moderately it is allright.  That is different with beer and 
    tobacco because people can easily become addicted, stoned or otherwise 
    screwed-up by taking in just a little of these drugs.  I havn't heard 
    of anyone getting there life messed up by coffee and if i ever do i
    will stop drinking it."

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Top Document: alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Previous Document: 3-8. Can I take medications if I'm straight-edge?
Next Document: 3-10. How much does pro-life feature in sXe?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM