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alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Section - 3-7. Do I have to be vegan/vegetarian to be straight-edge?

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    On 23 Jul 1997 Andy Dempz <adempz@umich!edu> wrote:
    "vegetarianism is not part of sxe, only a natural progression."

    Veganism has little to do with sXe pure life ideals. People generally 
    aren't addicted to animal products. But it seems logical to look at
    everything you put into your body once you start examining external 
    factors, and so many sXe folk logically choose to adopt a vegan life. 

    The following definitions are from the FREQUENTLY ASKED 
    The term 'Vegetarian' was coined in 1847. It was first formally used
    on September 30th of that year by Joseph Brotherton and others, at
    Northwood Villa in Kent, England. The occasion being the innaugural
    meeting of the Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom.

    The word was derived from the Latin 'vegetus', meaning whole, sound,
    fresh, lively; (it should not be confused with 'vegetable-arian' - a
    mythical human whom some imagine subsisting entirely on vegetables
    but no nuts, fruits, grains etc!)

    The original definition of 'vegetarian' was "with or without eggs or
    dairy products" and that definition is still used by the Vegetarian
    Society today.

    A vegan excludes animal flesh (meat, poultry, fish and seafood),
    animal products (eggs and dairy), and usually excludes honey and the
    wearing and use of animal products (leather, silk, wool, lanolin,
    gelatin...). The major vegan societies all disallow honey, but some
    "vegans" still use it. Some "vegans" also refuse to eat yeast

    The word was invented by the UK Vegan society in the 1940's. They
    pronounced it "vee-gn". [14]

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Top Document: alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM