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alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Section - ii. Table of Contents

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Top Document: alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
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Next Document: iii. References
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    i.      Introduction
    ii.     Table of Contents
    iii.    References
    iv.     Where to find this FAQ
    v.      About the maintainer
    vi.     A word about SPAM
    vii.    Questions in progress

    1.      About straight-edge
    1-1.    What is alt.punk.straight-edge?
    1-2.    Where does the name straight-edge come from?
    1-3.    What's with the Xs?
    1-4.    What is sXe?
    1-5.    Where can I find hardcore sex?
    1-6.    Is straight-edge a religion?
    1-7.    Why do kids get into straight-edge?
    1-8.    How do I join the straight-edge?
    1-9.    Why do you need a label to be poison free?

    2.      About the music
    2-1.    What is hardcore?
    2-2.    What's the difference between old school and new 
            school bands?
    2-3.    What is emo?
    2-4.    Who was the first straight-edge band?
    2-5.    What is this windmill dance?
    2-6.    What is floorpunching?
    2-7.    What other dances are there?

    3.      About the commitment
    3-1.    Why are there so many rules?
    3-2.    If I slip from the 'edge does that mean I can't be 
            straight-edge anymore?
    3-3.    Can I be straight-edge and a Christian?
    3-4.    If I'm straight-edge can I take holy communion?
    3-5.    Can I be straight-edge and gay?
    3-6.    Is straight-edge about politics?
    3-7.    Do I have to be vegan/vegetarian to be straight-edge?
    3-8.    Can I take medications if I'm straight-edge?
    3-9.    Is taking caffeine straight-edge?
    3-10.   How much does pro-life feature in sXe?
    3-11.   Don't most stop being straight-edge when they reach 
            drinking age?
    3-12.   All my friends drink, does this mean I have to find 
            new friends?
    3-13.   Do straight-edge kids have sex at all?
    3-14.   I used to drink and do drugs, can I still be sXe?

    4.      About the scene
    4-1.    Aren't you all just mummy's boys?
    4-2.    Why do all you kids wear backpacks?
    4-3.    Why is straight-edge so narrow minded?
    4-4.    Why can't we have unity within hardcore/punk?
    4-5.    Isn't straight-edge just a fad?
    4-6.    What is hardline straight-edge?
    4-7.    What is a poseur?
    4-8.    Is sXe a crutch for the weak?
    4-9.    What is a sellout?
    4-10.   Why do a lot of you people use the name of your band 
            or 'zine as a surname?
    4-11.   Why don't sXe kids have a sense of humour?
    4-12.   What is DIY?
    4-13.   What is the relationship of sXe to skating and BMX?
    4-14.   Why is there so much violence in sXe?

    5.      About the people
    5-1.    What do you guys wear?
    5-2.    What's with the tattoos and stuff?
    5-3.    Who's who of apse?

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Top Document: alt.punk.straight-edge sXe FAQ
Previous Document: i. Introduction
Next Document: iii. References

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM