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Irish FAQ: Glossary [10/10]
Section - 13) Dead White Males

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Top Document: Irish FAQ: Glossary [10/10]
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	Strongbow	Norman leader who led invasion of Ireland in 12th

	Daniel 		'The Emancipator'; Irish political leader and MP at
	 O'Connell	Westminster in early 19th century; campaigned
			against anti-Catholic laws and later for repeal of
			Act of Union to Britain; died in 1847; thought
			greatest leader of 19th century by many;
			portrait and credo is on 20 pound note

	Charles Stewart	Late 19th century politician; first president of
	 Parnell	Land League; later, MP and leader of Home Rule Party;
			effective parliamentarian; demise followed
			scandalous affair with Kitty O'Shea; died after
			her divorce and their marriage in 1891

	Éamonn		Most important 20th century Irish nationalist
	 de Valera	politician; only commander not executed after
			Easter Rising; president of first Dáil; opposed
			Treaty but survived; founder of Fianna Fáil;
			President of Executive Council/ Taoiseach
			'32-'48, '51-'54, '57-'59; President of
			Republic '59-'73; died in 1975

	Michael		Irish republican leader; fought in Rising; highly
	 Collins	successful head of intelligence during War of
			Independence; member of Treaty delegation; shot dead
			in 1922 during Civil War while Commander-in-Chief of
			pro-treaty forces

	Edward Carson	Barrister and Unionist politician; MP at
			Westminster; leader of Irish Unionist Party until
			1921; proposed exclusion of Ulster from Home
			Rule and supported Ulster Volunteer Force in 1913;
			extremely successful legal and political career

	King Billy	William of Orange; Dutch Protestant who won
			British throne from Catholic tyrant James II,
			the latter having made his last stand in Ireland;
			King Billy is fondly remembered by NI Protestants

User Contributions:

Ivan Brookes
I'm looking for information regarding navigable waterways for a 44' fly bridge cruiser for corporate entertainment such as the big horse racing events. I've searched the internet and book stores here in Walws without success.

Ivan Brookes

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Top Document: Irish FAQ: Glossary [10/10]
Previous Document: 12) NI Current Affairs
Next Document: 14) Other Historical Terms

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