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Irish FAQ: Glossary [10/10]
Section - 11) Current Affairs

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Top Document: Irish FAQ: Glossary [10/10]
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	EU		European Union - economic and political alliance of
			15 European countries

	X Case		Infamous abortion rights case which resulted in a
			referendum in 1992 to 'clear up' the issue

	Extradition	Sending someone who is wanted in another country on
			criminal charges to that other country; has often
			been an emotive issue in Ireland

	Brendan Smyth	Case of pedophile priest and a delay in his
	 Affair		extradition from ROI to NI that led to a government

	Beef Tribunal	Judicial enquiry in 1994(?) into irregularities
			of beef processing industry that revealed
			little and cost a lot; since then, several
			other tribunals have investigated other
			(suspected) political scandals with more or
			less success

	On Mature	(now facetious) used to back out on an awkward
	Recollection	statement after being found out; first used by
			Brian Lenihan, FF candidate in the
			1990 presidential election, to admit
			on live television that he _did_ phone
			President Hillary in 1982 to ask him to
			refuse dissolution of the Dáil after the
			FG Taoiseach lost a vote of confidence; by
			not disolving the Dáil, Hillary would have
			allowed FF to try to form an alternative
			government by canvassing independent TDs;
			Lenihan's admission after repeated denials
			damaged his credibility lost him the presidency

	GUBU		(facetious) coined by CCOB after CJH (Taoiseach
			at the time) described the discovery of
			a killer in the flat of the Attorney
			General as "grotesque, unbelievable, bizarre
			and unprecedented"; came to be used as a
			popular shorthand for all scandals involving CJH

	CAP		Common Agricultural Policy - EU system of farm
			subsidies; largest portion of EU spending

	Veronica Guerin	Dublin crime journalist who exposed organised
			crime activities and was murdered in 1996
			triggering public outcry and referendum on
			stricter bail laws

	EU Structural	EU funding for projects such as road building
	 Fund		similar to Cohesion Fund and Regional Fund

	Indo		Irish Independent; largest circulation daily
			newspaper in Ireland

	Sindo		Sunday Independent; largest circulation
			(surprise!) Sunday newspaper

User Contributions:

Ivan Brookes
I'm looking for information regarding navigable waterways for a 44' fly bridge cruiser for corporate entertainment such as the big horse racing events. I've searched the internet and book stores here in Walws without success.

Ivan Brookes

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM