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Irish FAQ: The Famine [6/10]
Section - 2) Why is it controversial?

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Top Document: Irish FAQ: The Famine [6/10]
Previous Document: 1) Why is it important?
Next Document: 3) What happened?
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	Most of the controversy is over the question of blame.	Those who
	look for a simple answer usually settle on one of two targets:
	the British government of the time or the Irish themselves.
	The government is accused of genocide and even of instigating an
	"Irish holocaust".  The Irish are accused of marrying too early
	and having too many children, making a Malthusian catastrophe

	However the Famine is too complicated to allow a simple
	apportionment of blame.  There were a number of social and
	political forces at work, not to mention the seed of the calamity,
	the potato blight that robbed people of their food.

User Contributions:

Ivan Brookes
I'm looking for information regarding navigable waterways for a 44' fly bridge cruiser for corporate entertainment such as the big horse racing events. I've searched the internet and book stores here in Walws without success.

Ivan Brookes

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Top Document: Irish FAQ: The Famine [6/10]
Previous Document: 1) Why is it important?
Next Document: 3) What happened?

Part00 - Part01 - Part02 - Part03 - Part04 - Part05 - Part06 - Part07 - Part08 - Part09 - Single Page

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM