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FAQ: soc.culture.french - Medias [monthly]
Section - 6. Radios francaise hors de France (sauf RFI) French radio out of France (except RFI)

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Top Document: FAQ: soc.culture.french - Medias [monthly]
Previous Document: 5. Ou trouver des disques, cassettes, cd francais Where to find french records, plates, CDs
Next Document: 7. Radio France International (RFI)
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FRANCE CULTURE sur EUTELSAT II, canal 26, sous-porteuse 7,56MHz

CANADA & US border

CBE broadcasts in French language. For example, CBEF-Windsor (540 [K|M]Hz)
can be received clearly anywhere in the Detroit, Michigan area.

Radio Canada International (Sebastien MEDARD <2:320/213.12>):
          11855 Khz 1400-1700 (sunday) vers U.S.A.
           5960 --- 0130-0200MF vers U.S.A.
           9755 --- ----------- -----------
           6120 --- 0200-0300SS vers U.S.A.
           9535 --- ----------- -----------
           9755 --- ----------- -----------
          11845 --- ----------- -----------
          11940 --- ----------- -----------

USA, MI, Chicago area

On the cable:

Channel 21. 11pm. Le Journal de 20h. France 2 (the new name for Antenne 2).
Channel 19. 7-9am. Radio France International (RFI).

USA, NY, New-York city metropolitan area

WNYE: FM 91.5MHz, emissions le matin uniquement, en francais.
Radio du "New York City Board of Education".

WASHINGTON D.C.: France Frequence Washington, 1120 AM:
Du lundi au Vendredi: de 7 a 9h am deux heures d'infos retransmises en direct de
Paris par satellite, de 4 a 6 pm Emission locale FFW musique, sketches, info
locales, rubriques locales, feuilletons et reportages locaux presentent un
visage francophone de la capitale americaine.
Le Samedi : de 7 a 9 retransmission de RFI, de 11 am a 12 pm : emission locale
avec les eleves de lycee francais de Washington. (info provided by
Guilhem Armanet <>, 02 May 94)

(from Yves Dehnel <DEHNEL@BINAH.CC.BRANDEIS.EDU> 03/15/94)
Il existe une emission de radio francophone, qui retransmet en partie RFI:
"French Kisses" samedi 14-16 h sur WMBR 88.1 FM dans l'agglomeration de

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