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See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
- This faq

- Can anyone here tell me how to exploit the [whatever] bug?
  or Can anyone here tell me how to break in to my ISP?

- What do the "identd" lines in my syslog mean?  Is this a security
  exposure?  Can I turn off identd?

- I just noticed that [something].  Has my machine been compromised?

- What does port number [whatever] mean?

- Here's new, unbreakable encryption software.

- What should I read to learn how to secure my computers?  What should I read
  to learn about computer security?

- Is there a newer version of cops?

- Tripwire fails the self-test, dumps core when building the database, and
  dumps core when verifying.

- Cops won't "make" in some versions of linux (GNU).

- Various problems with building anything under Solaris, especially
  "/usr/ucb/cc:  language optional software package not installed".

- What's that weird URL with SATAN/SAINT?  I'm not running a web server!
  or SATAN says "Can't find my own hostname".

- SATAN doesn't display right in my web browser; it asks me to save the file.

- How do I find all setuid and setgid files?

- Tcp wrappers (tcpd) thinks all hosts are in Solaris 8 or in some
  versions of AIX.

- I can't get .rhosts/.shosts to work with ssh.
(Note: there is a newsgroup

- Should I block all ICMP at my firewall/router?

- How do I prevent my machine from announcing OS version, daemon version,
  etc in the banner message?

- How do I recover from forgetting my root password?  (Similarly: I messed up
  the root line in /etc/passwd and can't su or login as root; what do I do?)

- Is a portscan of a machine malicious/illegal/unfriendly?

- Can my ISP/employer monitor [various things I'm doing]?

- Why do some people get so upset when system penetration is called "hacking"?

User Contributions:

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM