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comp.lang.forth FAQ: ANS Forth (7 of 7)
Section - [9] How can I join the TC?

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Top Document: comp.lang.forth FAQ: ANS Forth (7 of 7)
Previous Document: [8] Who is on the Technical Committee (TC)?
Next Document: [10] What are Technical Groups?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
Anyone can join the Technical Committee.

While the committee is active (from now, until the committee finishes
its work and deactivates again) prospective members should attend at
least two out of three successive meetings.  A representative shall
attend the first of these meetings as an observer and reaffirm interest
in the work of the committee. Membership becomes effective with
attendance at one of the next two successive meetings and the payment
of a $300 administration fee.

Membership shall be terminated under the following conditions:

(1) Failure to pay any service fee within the specified period (normally
    an annual $300 administration fee);

(2) Failure to attend two out of three successive meetings, in which case
    the membership shall be terminated if the member fails to attend the
    next meeting;

(3) Failure to return 80% of the total letter ballots (non-accelerated)
    closing during the present calendar quarter, in which case the
    membership shall be terminated if the member fails to return at least
    80% of the total letter ballots (non-accelerated) closing during the
    subsequent quarter.

When the committee deactivates again (after it has completed its current
work) applications for membership should be sent to the Chair
<>. Membership becomes effective after the second
letter (eMail) ballot. Members will lose their membership by failure to
respond to three successive ballots, or failure to pay any service fee
within the specified period.

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Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

Top Document: comp.lang.forth FAQ: ANS Forth (7 of 7)
Previous Document: [8] Who is on the Technical Committee (TC)?
Next Document: [10] What are Technical Groups?

Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Part5 - Part6 - Part7 - Single Page

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM